Re: [xsl] Saxon auto-recognition of sequence of XML and XSLT document possible ?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Saxon auto-recognition of sequence of XML and XSLT document possible ?
From: Florent Georges <darkman_spam@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 19:22:07 +0100 (CET)
Mukul Gandhi wrote:


> <quote>
>    Is there no Auto-recognition from Saxon to detect which of the two
> documents is the
> XML and which the XSLT stylesheet and hence allow also

>    java  -jar dir/saxon8.jar   [options]    stylesheet
> source-document
>    [ params...]
> </quote>

> Is this possible with Saxon..?

  If IIRC, the goal is to can use drag n drop in Windows to drop both a
stylesheet and an XML document at the same time on a shortcut that call
Saxon.  A very simple "GUI" for Saxon.  But the OP can't guarantee the
order of the parameters.

  So he can write an alternate front-end to Saxon (an other Java class
with a main() method) that uses Saxon and allows any order of its file
parameters (detecting which one is the stylesheet by looking into the

  I didn't think about the details, but for such an interactive use,
that is faisable, with no big difficulty.

  On the other hand, he can also use Kernow (the Saxon GUI by Andrew).




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