[xsl] Re: xsl-list Digest 2 Feb 2007 06:10:00 -0000 Issue 1036

Subject: [xsl] Re: xsl-list Digest 2 Feb 2007 06:10:00 -0000 Issue 1036
From: Andy Carr1 <CARRA@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 15:39:58 +0000
Thank for the help guys

One other thing though:

If my xml fragment contained a table element  how could that be handled as
it isn't in the w:p group:- it's on the same level as w:p like this:

         <w:pStyle w:val="BodyHeading"/>
         <w:t>Heading Text</w:t>
         <w:pStyle w:val="NumberedText"/>
         <w:t>Some list text</w:t>
      <.....table data.....>
         <w:pStyle w:val="Text"/>
         <w:t>Some text</w:t>
         <w:pStyle w:val="BodyHeading"/>
         <w:t>Another Heading Text</w:t>
         <w:pStyle w:val="Text"/>
         <w:t>Some more text</w:t>
         <w:pStyle w:val="NumberedText"/>
         <w:t>Some more list text</w:t>

so the output should be

      <Title>Heading Text</Title> (from the first Heading)
         <ListItem>Some list text</List>
         <.....table data.....>
      <Para>Some text</Para>
      <Title>Another Heading Text</Title> (from the second Heading)
      <Para>Some more text</Para>
         <ListItem>Some more list text</List>

Sorry to be a pain... I forgot to include the table element earlier.


Andy Carr
IT Specialist
Tel: Internal - 298037 External - 01252 558037
Mail Point  M1C IBM Application Services
Meudon House, Meudon Avenue, Farnborough, GU14 7NB
(Notes) Andy Carr1/UK/IBM@IBMGB

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