Re: [stella] delayed sound -- emulator or programming glitch?

Subject: Re: [stella] delayed sound -- emulator or programming glitch?
From: KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 29 Aug 2003 12:34:20 -0000
> On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 21:30, KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I'm worried I have one of my infamous "forgot the # sign" bugs,
> > because when I changed the constants like you suggested, all 
> > the colors changed.
> They didn't for me.  I'm playing on Stella under X/Linux.

Yeah, for me it was just a one time thing...might've been a Z26
glitch, like it didn't load its usual palette. 

Actually, Z26 is the only one getting the colors like they actually
appear on the atari.

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