Re: [stella] Skeleton - complete

Subject: Re: [stella] Skeleton - complete
From: Dan Iacovelli <atarivideoclub@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 07:29:27 -0700 (PDT)
--- KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > I think an old D&D handheld game used a similar gameplay element. It 
> > really stressed me out when I had to worry where I was stepping as 
> > well as hunt/avoid the creatures in the maze. Just an idea that, I 
> > thought, may be simple to implement. Maybe a selectable option?
> Heh, I think I had that game. Marroon colored case?
> I'm not 100% positive, but I think years later I looked at 
> "Hunt the Wumpus", a text-based classic for Unix (and older?) 
> systems, and it occurred to me that the handheld must've just
> been a graphical version of that game. Of course, by that point
> I hadn't played the handheld for years, and wumpus was a little
> too difficult for me to get into, so take it with a grain of salt.
> gives a 
> description, is the game
> itself in javascript.
> Hunt the Wumpus might be very doable on the 2600, but comapared
> to Skeleton a lot less action packed! The oldschool purists might
> appreciate it tho.
> -- 
> KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> "God or somebody save us from any society founded on Darwinian principles."
>    --Richard Dawkins 

I don't know if anyone here on the list ever had a TI-99/4 (or 4a) computer
but Hunt the wumpus was a popular game for that system. it was a graphical
game as well: where the hunter goes through a maze. when the hunter comes close
to the wumpas a blood spot would indacte that he's close I also seem to rember
a bat would carry you off to another part of the maze.
btw: Skeleton kind of reminds me of hunt the wumpas.
Dan Iacovelli

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