[xsl] Schema-awareness clarification

Subject: [xsl] Schema-awareness clarification
From: "Jesper Tverskov" <jesper@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:51:07 +0100
Hi list

I am trying to make sense of schema-awareness in XSLT 2.0. Please
correct me if I am wrong.

Is it correct to say that schema-awareness is only about type
annotation, about validation of input files using XML Schema schemas,
about validation of temporary XML trees and of output trees before the
tree/file has been generated, that is the validation can stop the
transformation or even give you warnings before you attempt a

Schema-awareness means XML Schema schema awareness, period. Even when
other schema languages like RELAX NG make use of XML Schema's data
types, such schemas can not be imported into XSLT using the
import-schema element. This element's true name is "import an XML
Schema schema".

When we talk about the input document nothing disallows an XSLT
processor, XSLT 2.0 or XSLT 1.0, schema-aware or not, to have some
extension option validating such input file. If a processor has such
an option, the input file could be of any schema language the
processor has been made to support in this sense. But such a feature
has nothing to do with schema-awareness in the XSLT 2.0 sense or with
the XSLT specs as such. It is an extension.

Likewise nothing disallows an XSLT processor to have some extension
feature that can validate an output files against any schema language
supported in this sense. But such a feature has nothing to do with
"schema-awareness" in the XSLT 2.0 sense, and is so to speak outside
the XSLT spec.

Jesper Tverskov

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