Re: [xsl] how to know distance between two sibling nodes

Subject: Re: [xsl] how to know distance between two sibling nodes
From: "Andrew Welch" <andrew.j.welch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:32:55 +0000
On 2/14/07, alex v. <alex.vett@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to know distance between two sibling nodes.
One solution maybe is to count siblings between the two nodes.
So, I have a sequence of sibling node, for example:


and when I match element <c> I need to know the number of
preceding-sibling only until the first previous element <a>,
also it is:

<c> = 2
<c> = 1
<c> = 2

where digit is the distance from the first prevoius <a>.

Your examples don't match! It makes it easier to reply if you provide well-formed XML

I think that count(preceding-sibling::a[1]) is the solution, but it
seems don't work for me. Why this?

It's on the right track, try this:

select="count(.|preceding-sibling::*[. >> current()/preceding-sibling::a[1]])"

In words, this says: "Count all preceding-siblings that occurs after
the closest preceding-sibling <a> in document order" - the . includes
the current element itself to increase the count by one to get the
number you're after.


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