Re: [xsl] Newbie question on XSL transformations: multiple sorts on element attr

Subject: Re: [xsl] Newbie question on XSL transformations: multiple sorts on element attr
From: Marco <spinmar@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2007 12:31:03 +0100
Michael Kay ha scritto:
Well for example for persons which develops in os linux (gcc) and not microsoft who are developing in c for obtaining maximum performance (and then they can't use JNI)....

Seems to be a flaw in the logic here. If you need very high performance, and
therefore need C, then why are you using XSLT?
Because I'm trying to obtain best performance in the business logic and separate logic from presentation.
For example if my business logic takes 300 msec and my xslt trasform takes 30 msec, I'm happy because even if xslt trasform takes 10% I have separated data from presentation. The same logic in perl takes 600 msec, and xslt trasform takes always 30 msec or similar and so on.
So I'd like to use saxon in c because it offers xslt2 support but in the same way I'd like to continue to use c because my business logic is faster.
This my modest opinion.
Do you make provision for porting saxon in c?

Michael Kay

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