RE: [xsl] implementation of xsl:strip-space

Subject: RE: [xsl] implementation of xsl:strip-space
From: "Sherzod Ruzmetov" <xslt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 13:50:43 -0500
    :I have it as a child of the stylesheet, and I'm not getting
    :any errors.. I
    :was under the assumption that this was something I could use
    :to get my html
    :output to be like a block of code w/ no carraige returns.
    :Maybe I'm using
    :the wrong tool for this. Can you suggest another approach?..
    :The problem I'm
    :having is that my javascript event handlers are breaking due
    :to carraige

Did u try <xsl:output method="html" indent="no" />? Should do the trick.
For example, check out .
It has lots of JavaScript event handlers, and works fine without a glitch
(so far, at least).


P.S. I'm using libxml2 and libxslt

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