RE: [xsl] How to output open/close tags independently?

Subject: RE: [xsl] How to output open/close tags independently?
From: "Michael Kay" <michael.h.kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 09:19:24 -0000
> I don't see what the connection is between trying to coerce 
> XSLT into accepting non-well-formed markup, and grouping.

The connection is that when people try to emit start tags and end tags
independently of each other, this is usually because nodes in the result
tree do not have a direct correspondence with nodes in the source tree:
that is, they are trying to produce a node in the result tree that is
derived from a group of nodes in the source tree - in other words, they
have a grouping problem.

Michael Kay
Software AG
home: Michael.H.Kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx
work: Michael.Kay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

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