RE: [xsl] Find a set of nodes and depending on element values

Subject: RE: [xsl] Find a set of nodes and depending on element values
From: "Michael Kay" <michael.h.kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 17:37:42 -0000
> Now I want to find all <action> elements with the element
> <loadsize>1</loadsize> and then process the average time
> (<time>xxx</time>)
> for each set of action elements with the same time.

You'll have to explain yourself more clearly. The average time of a set of
elements with the same time is the average of a set of numbers that are all
the same.

I suspect you're trying to do the equivalent of the classic "sum of price
times quantity for all items". Solutions include:

(a) write a recursive named template
(b) (Saxon extension) saxon:sum(//item, saxon:expression("@price * @qty"))
(c) (XSLT 2.0, Saxon 7.0) sum(for $i in //item return $i/@price * $i/@qty)

Michael Kay
Software AG
home: Michael.H.Kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx
work: Michael.Kay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

>  <xsl:value-of select="sum(/time[loadsize='1']) div
> count(time[loadsize
> ='1'])"/> does not work...
> My problem is to find the correct nodeset -  for-each gives
> me the strings
> , not the elements.
> thanks in advance!
> erik stunkat
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