[xsl] Newbie: SECOND POST - Help!!

Subject: [xsl] Newbie: SECOND POST - Help!!
From: "Rob Collyer" <aspwiz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 09:22:10 -0000

I even confused myself with the first post....

I need a way to open xml files in explorer, but to have all nodes collapsed.

As I understand it, the default xsl template renders the dhtml treeview by
default, but all the nodes
are fully open (Not good for my uses).

Does anyone have a solution to this?  I've tried altering the default
template, but am getting nowhere fast.

Alternatively, does anyone have an XSL template that will do the job?

Sorry to ask a basic question....  I can offer advanced ASP, COM, VB advice
in return for a solution to this.

Thanx in advance.

Rob C

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list

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