Re: [xsl] test if string contains an apostraphe

Subject: Re: [xsl] test if string contains an apostraphe
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001 23:00:27 +0100
> Has anyone done anything like this?
That's why there is a FAQ list maintained:-)

The rule is the same in XPath as for XML attributes, to make a string
containing a ' you just need to use " to delimit it, so
is the XPath you want. You then need to stick that in an XML attribute
so as for any string you have th echoice of delimiting the attribute
with " and quoting the " with eg &quot; or delimiting the string with
' and quoting the ' as eg &apos.

It gets more interesting when you need both " and ' in the string.


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