[xsl] Adding NewLine, Tab characters to XML Document text

Subject: [xsl] Adding NewLine, Tab characters to XML Document text
From: "Raj Avula" <raj_avula@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 18:37:21 -0800

    In my application I have to create XML document with lot of options.
Depending upon the options I have to
add NewLine Characters, Tab characters, space characters in the text
characters of XML document. While I
process that XML document using XSLT to produce output, I have to apply
those characters.
I want to know whether there is any standard way of doing this other than
using ascii equivalent of it(&#09;).






is there any other standard way of doing things.

I have another question also.
    If the description is too large and I want to limit number of lines for
page depending on some input(say 34 lines).
Can you please tell me the standard way of doing this.


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