[xsl] FXPath v0.3 + SAXON Implementation

Subject: [xsl] FXPath v0.3 + SAXON Implementation
From: David.Rosenborg@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 04:07:00 +0100

There's a new version, 0.3, of the FXPath document:


Also, there's a test implementation of FXPath for SAXON:


So now you can try FXPath functions for real.

The major change to the FXPath document is that the fx:function
element has been split in two: fx:define and fx:template-function.
The reason for the split is to make a clearer distinction between
functions implemented with FXPath and functions implemented with
XSLT instructions. The fx:define element uses FXPath syntax only,
where as the fx:template-function has the same content and processing
model as a named xsl:template with a few exceptions.

This change means that extension functions, which need both FXPath
and XSLT template functionality, must now be split in two or more
funtions. This may seem cumbersome. However, in my opinion, the
split resulted in even clearer stylesheets.

I'we added a new function definition construct to the grammar
to enable the FXPath-only functions:

<fx:define name="fx:add">
  function ($x, $y) -> $x + $y

Have fun!


David Rosenborg
Pantor Engineering AB

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