Subject: Re: [xsl] Variable as Position Indicator From: Jeni Tennison <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 09:53:48 +0000 |
Hi Mark, > The following code creates a variable that can be used to select a > specific section. When testing the code, the $nextPage variable > prints correctly (for testing), but when it is placed as an index to > the section tag, it always reverts to the number '1'. When you create your two variables, you're using the *content* of the xsl:variable element to give the value of the variable: <xsl:variable name="currentPage"><xsl:number/></xsl:variable> <xsl:variable name="nextPage"> <xsl:value-of select="$currentPage + 1"/> </xsl:variable> When you use the content of a variable to give a value, then it actually creates a little node tree (called a result tree fragment) with a root node and whatever you have as the content of the variable as the content of the result tree fragment. The variable itself actually holds a pointer to the root node in this result tree fragment. In your case, the $currentPage variable is set to (the root node of) a result tree fragment whose root node has a single child: a text node with a value given by <xsl:number />. When you get the value of (the root node of) such a result tree fragment, just like if you get the value of (the root node of) a XML document, you get a string made up of all the text nodes in the result tree fragment. So the value of (the root node) $currentPage is a string of the number that you've used. The $nextPage variable is set to (the root node of) a result tree fragment whose root node again has a single text node as a child. The value of the text node is given as the $currentPage plus one. Remember that $currentPage is a result tree fragment? In this context it will be coerced into a number because it's being used in a numerical expression. So $nextPage's text node ends up being the right number. Now, you use the $nextPage variable to index into the list of sections: <xsl:value-of select="//section[$nextPage]/@subject"/>.html Remember that the $nextPage variable is set to (the root node of) a result tree fragment? Well, here it matters. Within a predicate, everything but a number is coerced to a boolean. When you coerce (the root node of) a result tree fragment to a boolean, you *always* get the result true() because there is *always* (a root node of) a result tree fragment. As it's always true, all the sections are returned, which means all their subjects are returned by the expression. Taking the value of that node set involves getting the value of the first node of the node set, so you always get the subject of the first section. You wanted to make $nextPage be treated as a number, and so give an index into the sections. You can do this in two ways. First, you can expand the expression so that you're testing the position() of the section against the value of the $nextPage variable: //section[position() = $nextPage]/@subject Secondly, you can explicitly coerce the $nextPage variable to be a number, so that it's interpreted as an index: //section[number($nextPage)]/@subject These solutions will both work, but a third solution would probably be better. Whenever you can, rather than setting a variable to a result tree fragment, you should make it a string, number or boolean or whatever you *actually* want to it be. You can do this by using the select attribute to set the value of the variable rather than the content. If you'd set the value for $nextPage using the expression: <xsl:variable name="nextPage" select=" $currentPage + 1"/> then $nextPage is actually set to that *number*, so you don't have to coerce it at all and your original expression: //section[$nextPage]/@subject will work. [Aside: I use (the root node of) a lot in the above because we're in a state of flux regarding the status of variables set using their content. In XSLT 1.0 they're result tree fragments, treated specially, but in XSLT 1.1 they're created node sets and it starts being helpful to think of the variables as referencing the root node of these node sets rather than holding an inviolable entity.] I hope that helps, Jeni --- Jeni Tennison XSL-List info and archive:
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