xsl-list /at/ lists.mulberrytech.com
Thread Index
Last updated: Sun Jan 27 06:08:54 GMT 2008
207 messages
- [no subject]
- Re: 2.6 patterns: let's try variations on the XML syntax
- Extended characters in XT
- Re: EcmaScript, gone?
- XSL-List administrivia -changed
- Just Not Getting It
- XPointers and XSL Patterns
- FW: XSL - Loss to braille style sheets?
- XSL WD1.0: Numbering in the source tree
- Re: CSS + behavior vs. XSL (was: EcmaScript, gone?)
- Who can have qualifiers in XSL?
- XSL and processing
- ActiveX/XSL
- SGML/XML Web Page - New URL
- Processing meta deta (or why XSL 1.0 is broken)
- tables missing?
- ANN: second release of the Koala XSL Engine(WD 1.0)
- RE: second release of the Koala XSL Engine(WD 1.0)
- [2.2] Reference to Tool Behaviour Out Of Scope?
- [A] : DTD for XSL Style-sheets
- [2.4.2] : Element Nodes - Original Markup Preservation
- [2.4] : Data Model (Editorial comments)
- [2.6.3] : Anchors - use of NCName from Namespace Spec
- [2.7.6] : processing non-descendent elements
- [2.7.7] : Direct Processing
- [2.7.8] : Numbering in the Source Tree
- [] : Example use of literal text
- [2.7.11] - Computing Generated Text
- ANN: new release of the Koala XSL Engine(WD 1.0)
- ANN: new release of XslSlideMaker
- Question:- Are Root Rules inherited?
- 3.24 Inheritance
- Wrapping groups
- Beyond the identity transform
- XSL Tools
- multiple Formatting namespaces.
- Re: The XSL-List Digest V1 #149
- keshlam - Mon, 14 Sep 1998 10:46:12 -0400
- ?indent-result
- XSL as a DB query language
- Accessing current node attributes
- XSL Tutorial
- Is there a way to define groups of templates ?
- question from a newbie...please help
- XSL hierarchy problems
- XSL and entities
- XSL: xt question
- indent-start: absolute or relative?
- New XT release
- James Clark - Sun, 20 Sep 1998 11:49:58 +0700
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Don Park - Sat, 19 Sep 1998 22:51:58 -0700
- XSL Trans
- Attribute Value Templates...
- external-graphics
- colors
- header
- Re unterminated HTML (was XSL: xt question)
- keshlam - Mon, 21 Sep 1998 11:21:09 -0400
- Attribute Value Templates?
- ANN: New release of the Koala XSL engine.
- Macro Arguments
- Auto toc generation using ID #IMPLIED
- xslide Emacs major mode for XSL stylesheets
- How to retrieve the current element NAME?
- Copying an entire area without parsing
- xml conferences after oct 20
- {attribute(FOO)} question (plus a few more)
- Henri - Tue, 29 Sep 1998 23:30:33 -0700 (MST)
- Re: Why transformation?