Re: [stella] Finally underway: 2600 Cookbook

Subject: Re: [stella] Finally underway: 2600 Cookbook
From: KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 12 Apr 2004 12:18:41 -0000
> KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Synopsis: 2600 Cookbook (snippets) started,
> >
> > Help welcome...also, does anyone know about this
> > one PC tool to help with AUDF* frequencies?
> I'v used a 7800 dev tool to run values through a real tia and output
> usable music data, but I'm guessing thats not what your after.

No, the one I'm thinking about is (if memory serves) a command line 
tools, *somehow* you input the notes you're after, and then it comes
out with best match voice and frequency data.  Am I going nuts here?

> > The format is "Cookbook", just like O'Reilly's Java and Perl
> > Cookbooks...I think it's a great way to learn how to do things,
> > because each topic is very focused, and by having them all in
> > one place, you can browse it and get ideas about what's possible
> > and feasible.
> Very nice format. The music part has already helped me out.
> My next project will need some music [hint] and subpixle movement [/hint] ;-)

well, I'm workin' on the music.  Subpixel movement should be fairly
easy for me to explain, and I could just rig up like the final example
in 2600 101 with some more interesting speed properties.  

Though I guess ideally it might also use exact horizontal positioning
(otherwise, if you just rely on HMOVEs and speeds, your objects have
 "write only" positions, and you probably won't know exactly where it is)
and .skipDraw is definately something I need to learn and teach... but 
if you want subpixel maybe I'll just use a crappy kernal and focus 
on the 16 bit math.

 "The real problem with having mind-controlled zombies as my servants is that 
  it's tough to get up a really sincere-sounding round of cheers when 
  I've come up with a plan I think is worth cheering." --Maximus, X-Factor

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