RE: [stella] JoustPong: more exciting than ever!

Subject: RE: [stella] JoustPong: more exciting than ever!
From: KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 23 Feb 2004 14:51:49 -0000
You slightly underestimate the semi-cleverness of my flicker
algorithm but your point is valid.

(I don't do all Pterry, all Players on alternate frames...
if 1 = player 1, 2 = player 2, and T = Pterry, I do

1     2
1  T  
1     2
   T  2
1     2

etc: Pterry every 2, Players 3 out of every 4

Basically what you're saying to do is move my exact repositioning 
routine to between the score and the action.  I'd have to do it 
at most once I think at the cost of 2 or so scanlines, since I
can put the score above each player, and then there's just a 1 
in 2 chance I have to move one of the players to be Pterry.  

It might be worth looking into...but I'm not sure, since I
think right now I have the ball bouncing off the 'ceiling'...
I'd have to be very careful about when I turn off the BGCOLOR
for that....

I'll take a look into it, though behind making Pterry movement
more interesting, dumbidfying the AI, tweaking the physics,
and fixing my title screen frame bug....

> It _is_ looking good, and I don't want to simply restate what everyone's said, but....
> I think you should be able to eliminate the flicker in the score reasonably easily (won't bug you about Pterry/paddle flicker (for now - smile) 'cuz I know it's more of an undertaking).
> Presumably your kernal looks something like this:
> (frame is a frame counter with value of 0 or 1)
> Is frame = 0
>   Yes: Position Pterry
>          Draw Pterry
>   No: Position score
>         Draw score
>         Draw players
> (Ignoring the walls and ball for simplicity's sake)
> (It looks like the player's paddles and the score are the same position horizontally and you're not repositioning them so I'm assuming that's the case)
> Instead, how about:
> Position score
> Draw score
> Is frame = 0
>   Yes: Position Pterry
>          Draw Pterry
>   No: Position players
>         Draw players
> So you'd position your sprites twice per frame which will cost you a scanline (maybe 2 depending upon how you're doing the positioning) but doesn't really require any new code - You should be able to do it all just by re-using some code and shifting around some code. All you should need to do is:
> - Move your current positioning code to a scanline just after the score.
> - Copy the positioning code for the score/paddles to where the positioning code used to be (leave behind the Pterry code and any logic used to determine which positioning to use).
> That should do it, I think...
> Chris...
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