RE: [stella] A little weekend test...

Subject: RE: [stella] A little weekend test...
From: "Andy Mucho" <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 20:39:24 +0100
If you meant the source to my monty sound antics, here you go..

Bear in mind it's straight off my HD as is.. It hasn't been cleaned up or
fully commented yet, there's a few things disabled, such as it not load the
pulse width on note on due to it eating over my cycle budget for the note-on
event. I haven't had much time this week to play with it, and this weekend
got hooked on playing trailblazer on my C64, and having a bash at that floor

Here you go, have fun :)

You'll get about 72 errors from DASM, about label mismatches (I wish there
was an option to swiutch these off) but it's all tickity boo..

If I've missed any files out let me know, but I don't think I did..


btw: just looked at the .asm file outside of dev studio.. You may want to
set your tabs to 4 in whatever editor you use, it's ugly with tabs of 8 :(

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Slocum [mailto:paul-stella@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 10 August 2003 19:56
To: stella@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [stella] A little weekend test...

>Not dodgy tunes this time :)

I'd love to see the source when you get a chance.  I want to play around
with it when I get a break in projects.

>Just though I'd post this, before I destroy it all trying to get the
>up on screen...

That looks rad!


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