Subject: [stella] Improved Interlace demo From: Glenn Saunders <cybpunks2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 19:48:56 -0700 |
Description: Binary data
;ATARI 2600 INTERLACED VIDEO PROOF OF CONCEPT ; BASED ON: ;------------------------------------------------------ ;$Id: cubeconq.s,v 2002/08/18 01:46:07 Billy Exp $ ;------------------------------------------------------ ; LAST MODIFIED BY GLENN SAUNDERS ON 8/18/2002 processor 6502 include "vcs.h" ;color defines GRAY = $00 GOLD = $10 ORANGE = $20 BRT_ORANGE = $30 PINK = $40 PURPLE = $50 PURPLE_BLUE = $70 BLUE = $80 GREEN = $C0 LT_ORANGE = $F0 LUM1 = $00 LUM2 = $02 LUM3 = $04 LUM4 = $06 LUM5 = $08 LUM6 = $0a LUM7 = $0c LUM8 = $0e LIGHTBLUE = BLUE | LUM1 LIGHTPINK = PINK | LUM1 LIGHTGRAY = GRAY | LUM1 BLACK = GRAY | LUM1 WHITE = $0F MEDIUMRED = BRT_ORANGE | LUM3 MEDIUMGREEN = GREEN | LUM4 MEDIUMBLUE = BLUE | LUM4 P0COLOR = MEDIUMRED P1COLOR = MEDIUMGREEN GRADLINES = 64; DO ALL 128 COLORS ACROSS THE 2-FIELD KERNEL, 64 COLORS PER KERNEL ;Ram variables SEG.U variables org $80 interlaced ds 1 framenum ds 1 xpos0 ds 1 xpos1 ds 1 rand0 ds 1 ;16 bit random number (random routines in common.s) rand1 ds 1 delay_switch ds 1 ;used to delay switch checking TEMP temp0 ds 1 temp1 ds 1 temp2 ds 1 temp3 ds 1 field_toggle ds 1 SEG code org $f000 ;Common subroutines ;------------------------------------------------------ ;$Id: common.s,v 2002/08/16 04:14:11 Billy Exp $ ;------------------------------------------------------ ;start the vertical sync and set the timer for 37 lines of blank start_vertical_sync subroutine LDA #2 STA VSYNC ; Begin vertical sync. STA WSYNC ; First line of VSYNC STA WSYNC ; Second line of VSYNC. LDA #44 ;timer for 27 lines of blanking STA TIM64T LDA #0 STA WSYNC ; Third line of VSYNC. STA VSYNC ; (0) rts ;************************************************************** ;wait for the timer to end wait_timer subroutine .wait lda INTIM ;timer ended? bne .wait rts ;************************************************************** ;start the overscan start_Overscan ;end scanline 191, begin overscan lda #2 ;First line turns on VBLANK sta WSYNC sta HMCLR ;clear all the move registers sta VBLANK lda #36 ;Timer for 30 scanlines sta TIM64T rts ;************************************************************** ;wait number of line in Y wait_lines subroutine .loop sta WSYNC dey bne .loop rts ;************************************************************** random subroutine lda rand1 ;we need to XOR bits 11 and 15 (counting from 0) rol ;15 in bit #6 (of rand3) rol ;11 in bit #4 (of rand3) eor rand1 ;XOR the two together rol rol ;pop the XOR'd bit out into carry rol rand0 ;rotate 16 bits' worth rol rand1 ;note carry = random bit rts ;------------------------------------------------------ ; ALL INCLUDES NOW INLINE ; ;------------------------------------------------------ ;common subs ;position utility ;copied from the multisprite demo by Piero Cavina which was copied ; from air-sea battle ; ;------------------------------------------------------ ;$Id: FC_position.s,v 1.1 2002/07/22 03:43:57 Billy Exp $ ;------------------------------------------------------ ; Straight from "Air sea battle", here's the routine ; to convert from standard X positions to FC positions. fc_cnv STA TEMP+1 BPL LF34B CMP #$9E BCC LF34B LDA #$00 STA TEMP+1 LF34B: LSR LSR LSR LSR TAY LDA TEMP+1 AND #$0F STY TEMP+1 CLC ADC TEMP+1 CMP #$0F BCC LF360 SBC #$0F INY LF360: CMP #$08 EOR #$0F BCS LF369 ADC #$01 DEY LF369: INY ASL ASL ASL ASL STA TEMP+1 TYA ORA TEMP+1 RTS ;------------------------------------------------------ ;$Log: FC_position.s,v $ ;Revision 1.1 2002/07/22 03:43:57 Billy ;horizontal position working for both heads ; ; NOW INLINE ;------------------------------------------------------ ;Setup stuff start sei ;clear interupts cld ;set to non-BCD mode ;Clear all memory except $ff/$1ff - Stack end lda #0 clear sta $ff,x ;x still has $ff in it dex bne clear ;x comes out with 0 main_game normal_repeat ;repeat point lda #$FF ;start interlaced sta interlaced ;set player numbers to triple lda #$06 sta NUSIZ0 sta NUSIZ1 ;setup the missiles lda #$02 sta RESMP0 ;lock the missiles to the players (and disable) sta RESMP1 ;set background lda #BLACK sta COLUBK ;set framenum lda #2 sta framenum frame ;Vertical sync dec framenum lda interlaced ;see if we are in interlaced mode beq non_interlaced lda framenum beq even_sync non_interlaced ;entry point for non-interlaced ;this is the vertical sync for the first field of an interlaced frame ;or just a normal non-interlaced vertical sync lda #2 sta WSYNC sta VSYNC ; Begin vertical sync. sta WSYNC ; First line of VSYNC sta WSYNC ; Second line of VSYNC. lda #0 sta WSYNC ; Third line of VSYNC. sta VSYNC ; (0) lda #BLACK sta COLUBK jmp done_sync even_sync ;this is the vertical sync for the second field of an interlaced fram sta WSYNC ;need 40 cycles until the start of vertical sync ;this style of loop delays 5*Y+1 ldy #7 even_sync_loop1 dey bne even_sync_loop1 ;36 cycles nop ;38 lda #2 ;40 sta VSYNC ; Begin vertical sync. sta WSYNC ; First line of VSYNC sta WSYNC ; Second line of VSYNC. sta WSYNC ; Third line of VSYNC. ;need 33 cycles until the end of VSYNC ;this style of loop delays 5*Y+1 ldy #6 even_sync_loop2 dey bne even_sync_loop2 ;31 cycles lda #0 ;33 sta VSYNC done_sync LDA #40 ;timer for 34 lines of blanking STA TIM64T lda #22 ;starting x of sprites sta xpos0 lda #38 sta xpos1 ;this contains the positioning routine, 4 scan lines ;player positioning routines ;------------------------------------------------------ ;$Id: position_players.s,v 1.2 2002/07/23 02:17:19 Billy Exp $ ;------------------------------------------------------ ;this takes 4 scan lines ;position player 0 head lda xpos0 clc adc #35 ;get the player to the edge of my screen jsr fc_cnv sta WSYNC sta HMP0 ; remember, we're still doing Vblank now and #$0F tay plpsl0 dey bpl plpsl0 sta RESP0 sta WSYNC sta HMOVE ;position player 1 head lda xpos1 clc adc #35 ;get the player to the edge of my screen jsr fc_cnv ldx #0 stx HMP0 ;clear the 0 hmove register sta WSYNC sta HMP1 ; remember, we're still doing Vblank now and #$0F tay plpsl1 dey bpl plpsl1 sta RESP1 sta WSYNC sta HMOVE ;------------------------------------------------------ ;$Log: position_players.s,v $ ;Revision 1.2 2002/07/23 02:17:19 Billy ;small change ; ;------------------------------------------------------ ;wait for the vertical blank to end jsr wait_timer sta WSYNC ;37th line of VBLANK sta VBLANK ;A comes back as zero, end vblank sta WSYNC sta WSYNC ;start visible area ldy #10 ;wait ten lines to space it down some jsr wait_lines lda #P0COLOR ;set up my player colors sta COLUP0 lda #P1COLOR sta COLUP1 ;first draw some diagonal lines ldx #4 ;x is used for an outer loop counter to draw the lines 4 times lda framenum ;see which frame I'm on beq diags_even diags_odd diags_outer_odd lda #$40 ldy #4 diags_inner_odd sta WSYNC sta GRP0 sta GRP1 lsr ;shift bit over twice lsr dey bne diags_inner_odd dex bne diags_outer_odd jmp done_diags diags_even diags_outer_even lda #$80 ldy #4 diags_inner_even sta WSYNC sta GRP0 sta GRP1 lsr ;shift bit over twice lsr dey bne diags_inner_even dex bne diags_outer_even done_diags sta WSYNC ;end of 26th/beginning of 27th line lda #0 sta GRP0 ;kill the graphics sta GRP1 ;now on 27th line ldy #10 ;space down 10 more lines jsr wait_lines ;now on 37th line ;now draw some space ships lda framenum beq ships_even ships_odd ldx #14 ;x is an index into the graphic ships_odd_loop lda spaceship,x sta WSYNC sta GRP0 sta GRP1 dex ;need every other line dex bpl ships_odd_loop jmp done_ships ships_even ldx #15 ships_even_loop lda spaceship,x sta WSYNC sta GRP0 sta GRP1 dex dex bpl ships_even_loop done_ships sta WSYNC ;end of 45th/beginning of 46th lda #0 ;kill the graphics sta GRP0 sta GRP1 ;now on 46th line ldy #10 jsr wait_lines ;now on 86th line ;now the demo as suggested by Glenn Saunders ;here what I want to do is in noninterlaced mode, don't do chronocolor. ;in other words, just pick the odd line kernel for both fields in noninterlaced mode. ;this should eliminate the flicker and provide a more visual contrast between the two modes. ; set playfield graphics lda #%01010101 STA PF0 lda interlaced ;see if we are in interlaced mode bne do_interlaced do_noninterlaced lda field_toggle beq odd_demo jmp even_demo do_interlaced lda framenum bne odd_demo jmp even_demo odd_demo lda #MEDIUMRED sta COLUBK lda #WHITE sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +10 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +15 lda #MEDIUMRED sta COLUBK lda #WHITE sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +25 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +30 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +40 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +45 lda #MEDIUMRED sta COLUBK lda #WHITE sta COLUPF sta WSYNC ;now on line +46 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +51 lda #MEDIUMBLUE sta COLUBK lda #WHITE sta COLUPF sta WSYNC ;now on line +52 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +57 lda #MEDIUMRED sta COLUBK lda #WHITE sta COLUPF sta WSYNC ;now on line +58 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +63 lda #MEDIUMBLUE sta COLUBK lda #WHITE sta COLUPF sta WSYNC ; more black lines lda #BLACK sta COLUPF sta COLUBK ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;gradient lda #$02 STA COLUBK STA WSYNC ldx #GRADLINES-1 cyclerODD adc #4 STA COLUBK STA WSYNC dex bne cyclerODD LDA #WHITE STA COLUPF LDA #0 STA COLUBK ; draw a diagonal using PF2 ADC #%01000000 sta PF1 sta WSYNC ROR ROR sta PF1 sta WSYNC ROR ROR sta PF1 sta WSYNC ROR ROR sta PF1 sta WSYNC LDA #0 STA PF1 ADC #2 sta PF2 sta WSYNC ROL ROL sta PF2 sta WSYNC ROL ROL sta PF2 sta WSYNC ROL ROL sta PF2 sta WSYNC ;now on line +64 jmp end_demo even_demo lda #MEDIUMBLUE sta COLUBK lda #MEDIUMRED sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +10 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +15 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +25 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +30 lda #MEDIUMBLUE sta COLUBK lda #MEDIUMRED sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +40 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +45 lda #MEDIUMRED sta COLUBK lda #MEDIUMRED sta COLUPF sta WSYNC ;now on line +46 lda #BLACK sta COLUPF sta COLUBK ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ;now on line +51 lda #MEDIUMBLUE sta COLUBK lda #MEDIUMRED sta COLUPF sta WSYNC ;now on line +52 lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta COLUPF ldy #12 jsr wait_lines ; more black lines lda #BLACK sta COLUPF sta COLUBK ldy #5 jsr wait_lines ; now do an 8 scanline gradient ;gradient lda #$00 STA COLUBK STA WSYNC ldx #GRADLINES-1 cyclerEVEN adc #4 STA COLUBK STA WSYNC dex bne cyclerEVEN LDA #WHITE STA COLUPF LDA #0 STA COLUBK ; draw a diagonal using PF2 LDA #%10000000 sta PF1 sta WSYNC ROR ROR sta PF1 sta WSYNC ROR ROR sta PF1 sta WSYNC ROR ROR sta PF1 sta WSYNC LDA #0 STA PF1 ADC #1 sta PF2 sta WSYNC ROL ROL sta PF2 sta WSYNC ROL ROL sta PF2 sta WSYNC ROL ROL sta PF2 sta WSYNC ;now on line +64 end_demo lda #BLACK sta COLUBK sta PF0 sta PF2 ;now on line 150 ldy #79-GRADLINES ;ldy #28 jsr wait_lines ;Overscan jsr start_Overscan lda delay_switch bne skip_switch_check ;check for reset lda SWCHB and #1 bne no_reset reset lda #15 ;insert a delay sta delay_switch jmp main_game no_reset ;check for select lda SWCHB and #$02 bne no_select lda #$FF eor interlaced beq no_field_toggle do_field_toggle lda #$FF eor field_toggle sta field_toggle no_field_toggle sta interlaced lda #15 ;insert a delay sta delay_switch no_select skip_switch_check frame_done ;update framenum lda framenum bne no_update_framenum lda #2 sta framenum no_update_framenum ;decrement delay_switch lda delay_switch beq no_dec_delay_switch dec delay_switch no_dec_delay_switch ;wait for overscan to end jsr wait_timer ;wait_FF ; lda INTIM ;timer ended? ; bne wait_FF jmp frame ;this packs graphics.c and drawit.s all the way down to the bottom, where all should work org $fef1 ;------------------------------------------------------ ;graphics ;------------------------------------------------------ ;$id$ ;------------------------------------------------------ score_digits digit_0 dc %01111110 dc %11111111 dc %11100111 dc %11000011 dc %11000011 dc %11100111 dc %11111111 dc %01111110 digit_1 dc %00011100 dc %00111100 dc %01111100 dc %00011100 dc %00011100 dc %00011100 dc %01111111 dc %01111111 digit_2 dc %11111111 dc %11111111 dc %00001111 dc %00001111 dc %11111111 dc %11100000 dc %11100000 dc %11111111 digit_3 dc %11111111 dc %11111111 dc %00000111 dc %00000111 dc %11111111 dc %00000111 dc %00000111 dc %11111111 digit_4 dc %11100111 dc %11100111 dc %11100111 dc %11100111 dc %11111111 dc %00000111 dc %00000111 dc %00000111 digit_5 dc %11111111 dc %11111111 dc %11110000 dc %11110000 dc %11111111 dc %00000111 dc %00000111 dc %11111111 digit_6 dc %11111111 dc %11000000 dc %11000000 dc %11111111 dc %11111111 dc %11000111 dc %11000111 dc %11111111 digit_7 dc %11111111 dc %11111111 dc %11001111 dc %00001111 dc %00001111 dc %00001111 dc %00001111 dc %00001111 digit_8 dc %11111111 dc %11000111 dc %11000111 dc %11111111 dc %11111111 dc %11000111 dc %11000111 dc %11111111 digit_9 dc %11111111 dc %11000111 dc %11000111 dc %11111111 dc %11111111 dc %00000111 dc %00000111 dc %11111111 spaceship dc %00011000 dc %00011000 dc %00100100 dc %01000010 dc %11011011 dc %11011011 dc %11000011 dc %10000001 dc %11100111 dc %11111111 dc %01111110 dc %01000010 dc %11011011 dc %11011011 dc %11000011 dc %10000001 ;------------------------------------------------------ ;$Log$ ;------------------------------------------------------ ;make sure nothing gets put here so unmodified superchargers ;can play the game org $fff8 ds 4 ;Boot up points.... org $fffc dc.w start ; Reset vector dc.w start ; IRQ vector ;------------------------------------------------------ ;$Log: cubeconq.s,v $ ;Revision 2002/08/18 01:46:07 Billy ;not much... ; ;Revision 2002/08/17 04:58:44 Billy ;interleaving improved ; ;Revision 2002/08/16 04:14:11 Billy ;maybe interlacing works. ; ;Revision 2002/08/16 02:38:45 Billy ;submitted to stella list, ugly ; ;Revision 2002/08/14 02:25:56 Billy ;experiment with changing background color ; ;Revision 2002/08/14 01:11:49 Billy ;Playfield experiments ; ;------------------------------------------------------
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