Subject: Re: [stella] 6 digit score display and other ramblings From: Robin Harbron <macbeth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1998 23:48:21 -0500 |
Erik Mooney wrote: > The standard does a wsync on each line too, but it uses every one of the > other 71 available cycles. If we could get a look at your source, it'd be > great. Okay - it's just the same then - 3 cycles "spare" on each line, since a WSYNC isn't necessary, as long as you've synced it up earlier, and use exactly 76 cycles per line. You did mean 73, not 71 cycles above, right? :) > 3 instructions * 2 cycles = 2 instructions * 3 cycles, last I checked :) > If you're somehow doing a LDX instead of LDA, the stack-pointer method is > faster. Ah, I see what you mean... I needed a 2 cycle instruction to get new data in any one of the 3 registers - txs is the only one I know of that can do that. > If you can, we'll love you for life :) (Did anyone even get a 32-pixel > movable sprite to work? With color changes? Using wsyncs?) What sort of colour changes? A unique colour for every scan line? Or something fancier? Of course, it's easy to get every 2nd 8 pixel chunk a different colour :) Why use wsyncs if they're not necessary? Is there something I don't know? Or is it just to show that there's at least 3 cycles free? :) I would think that it would be pretty easy to move a big sprite around _if_ you wrote individual routines to handle the whole bunch of cases. There isn't enough time left over to make one general purpose loop. Here's the whole source, minus the vcs.h equates. Sorry about the length, and the general sloppiness - you should see the source to one of my C64 demos :/ Head right down to the startscore label to see the beginning of the setup - then to mainloop for the actual loop that does the 8 lines of score. I know there's all sorts of suggestions that could be made - this isn't a final product, and I'll do a lot of cleanup if this is ever going to be included in a "real" program. This was just the result of a couple hours of experimentation. There are many leftover and inaccurate comments as well. * = $1000 ;my own equates height = 8 score = $81 ; - $86 6 digits ptr0 = $90 ptr1 = $92 ptr2 = $94 ptr3 = $96 ptr4 = $98 ptr5 = $9a tmp = $9c count1 = $a0 ;c64 code here jsr $0c00 ;call playbin jmp 384 ;atari code starts here sei cld ldx #$ff txs ;gfx setup lda #0 sta colubk ;initialize score value ldx #5 lda #4 ;5 or greater clr1 sta score,x clc adc #1 dex bpl clr1 ;clear data pointers ldx #11 lda #0 clr2 sta ptr0,x dex bpl clr2 lda #1 sta ctrlpf ;$a lda #0 sta $0281;joystick inputs sta wsync ldy #3 pos0 dey bne pos0 sta resp0 main ;3 lines of lda #2;on sta vsync sta wsync lda #%01000110 sta colup0;colour sta vsync sta wsync sta vsync sta wsync lda #0;off sta vsync ;37 lines of ldy #37 lda #2 ;on sta vblank dovblank sta wsync dey bne dovblank lda #0 ;off sta vblank lda #227 sta tim64t startscore ;make pointers to num data ldx #5 ldy #10 loop2 lda score,x asl a asl a asl a adc #<zero sta ptr0,y lda #0 adc #>zero sta ptr0+1,y dey dey dex bpl loop2 lda #254 ;orange sta colup0 ; lda #%10001110 ;blue sta colup1 lda #3 sta nusiz0 sta nusiz1 ;3 copies close sta wsync ldx #22 blah2 dex bne blah2 sta resp0 sta wsync ldx #22 blah1 dex bne blah1 nop sta resp1 sta hmclr lda #%10100000;2 more than belo sta hmp1 lda #%11000000; sta hmp0 sta wsync sta hmove sta wsync ;draw score lda #7 sta count1 ldx #10 pause1 dex bne pause1 nop nop nop mainloop ldy count1 ;3 lda (ptr0),y ;5 sta grp0 ;3 = 11 ; sta wsync ;3 = 3 bit $00 lda (ptr1),y ;5 sta grp1 ;3 lda (ptr5),y ;5 tax ;2 txs ;2 lda (ptr2),y ;5 sta tmp ;3 lda (ptr3),y ;5 tax ;2 lda (ptr4),y ;5 = 37 ldy tmp ;3 sty grp0 ;3 stx grp1 ;3 sta grp0 ;3 tsx ;2 stx grp1 ;3 = 17 dec count1 ;5 bpl mainloop ;3 = 8 lda #0 sta grp0 sta grp1 endoframe lda intim bne endoframe sta wsync ;30 lines of overscan lda #35 sta $0296 ;increase score ldx #5 scloop1 inc score,x lda score,x cmp #10 bne scdone lda #0 sta score,x dex bpl scloop1 scdone cont ;wait until overscan is over lda $0284 bne cont nop nop sta $02 jmp main *= $1200 zero .byte %00111100 .byte %01100010 .byte %01010010 .byte %01010010 .byte %01001010 .byte %01001010 .byte %01000110 .byte %00111100 one .byte %01111110 .byte %00011000 .byte %00011000 .byte %00011000 .byte %00011000 .byte %00011000 .byte %00111000 .byte %00011000 two .byte %01111110 .byte %00100000 .byte %00010000 .byte %00001000 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000010 .byte %01000010 .byte %00111100 three .byte %00111100 .byte %01000010 .byte %00000010 .byte %00011100 .byte %00011100 .byte %00000010 .byte %01000010 .byte %00111100 four .byte %00001100 .byte %00001100 .byte %00001100 .byte %01111110 .byte %01001100 .byte %00101100 .byte %00011100 .byte %00001100 five .byte %00011000 .byte %01100100 .byte %00000010 .byte %00000010 .byte %01100100 .byte %01011000 .byte %01000000 .byte %01111110 six .byte %00111100 .byte %01000010 .byte %01000010 .byte %01111100 .byte %00100000 .byte %00010000 .byte %00001000 .byte %00000100 seven .byte %00001000 .byte %00001000 .byte %00001000 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000010 .byte %00000010 .byte %01111110 eight .byte %00111100 .byte %01000010 .byte %01000010 .byte %00111100 .byte %00111100 .byte %01000010 .byte %01000010 .byte %00111100 nine .byte %00111100 .byte %00000010 .byte %00000010 .byte %00000010 .byte %00111110 .byte %01000010 .byte %01000010 .byte %00111100 *= $1ffc .word $f000 .word $f000 -- Robin Harbron macbeth@xxxxxxxxxxx -- Archives (includes files) at Unsub & more at Don't post pirate BINs to Stellalist. 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