Re: [xsl] test for ancestral attribute returning variant results

Subject: Re: [xsl] test for ancestral attribute returning variant results
From: "Trevor Nicholls trevor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2021 17:25:10 -0000
Attached is a small(ish) test case.


Run test_version.xsl with control.xml as input and control.txt as output.

Repeat with fail.xml and fail.txt.


Both XML documents contain the same note (it's a cnote element) whose
paragraph children specify the same version as the parent note.


The relevant part of the output TXT files is the final 11 lines; you will
see that control.txt has determined that the cnote should be rendered with a
version while its descendants should not. However fail.txt shows that the
version is repeated for all descendants.





From: Michael Kay mike@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, 25 October 2021 08:37
To: xsl-list <xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [xsl] test for ancestral attribute returning variant results



You're going to ask for a small failing test case; unfortunately there isn't
one :-(


Just send the smallest one you can construct. Even if it appears complex,
debugging something you can actually run is vastly easier than debugging
something you can't.


And remember: if you can't find the bug, that's usually because you're
looking in the wrong place, and by only sending us part of the code, you
might well be sending us only the part where the bug isn't.


Michael Kay



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