Re: [xsl] Does the new structure include the same text content?

Subject: Re: [xsl] Does the new structure include the same text content?
From: "Liam R. E. Quin liam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xsl-list-service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2021 15:51:18 -0000
On Fri, 2021-01-22 at 14:43 +0000, Bauman, Syd
s.bauman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hear hear! (Even from DH & XML experts I have been told the data is
> consistent, only to find it is not.)
> One of my favorite pair of templates looks something like
> B  <xsl:template match="node()" priority="-12">
> B B B  <xsl:processing-instruction name="SBerr">If you loved me you
> would have matched me! :-(</xsl:processing-instruction>


The Eddie2 tool i use generates such templates automaticlly, one for
each element in the input DTD (yes, DTD right now, not schema), that
produces an xsl:message with more information;  e.g.
  element wing has attribute is-broken=yes, value not allowed in target

But this can only catch unhandled elements, uncopied attributes.

A possible approach to checking the text might be to replace each text
string with a successive number, eg. [1] [2] and so on, before the
transform, and make sure all the numbers are present in the output.

I would do this process in separate transforms so it, too,  could be

Liam Quin,B
Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/XSLT/
XSL/XQuery/Web/Text Processing/A11Y training, work & consulting.
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