RE: [xsl] another placement of nodes question

Subject: RE: [xsl] another placement of nodes question
From: "Robby Pelssers" <robby.pelssers@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:36:46 +0100

It's not clear to me what should happened  if a <spec> element occurs
after the <desc> on level1.

But I don't think you need to group here...

Why not just iterate over all level level2/item and check when
position() = last() and then output the <spec>?

Robby Pelssers

-----Original Message-----
From: a kusa [mailto:akusa8@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 3:53 PM
To: xsl-list
Subject: [xsl] another placement of nodes question


I have a scenario as shown below in my xml:

Source XML:

<desc><text>sample desc</text></desc>
<!-- A <spec> element can occur here as well-->
<item><text>r1 </text></item>
<spec><para>Some spec 1</para></spec>
<spec><para>Some spec 2</para></spec>

Here is my desired output XML:


<text>sample desc</text>


<spec><para>Some spec 1</para></spec>
<spec><para>Some spec 2</para></spec>



Please note that every item under level2 becomes a step2 in my output

Here is my XSL for level2:

<xsl:template match="level2">

<xsl:for-each-group select="./item" group-by=".">

The reason I write the condition
"not(preceding-sibling::*[1][self::desc])]" is because there is a
possiblity that there is a <spec> element after <desc> in the source
XML. I do not want to match that element.

Now here is my problem. With this template, my output looks like this:


<text>sample desc</text>

<spec><para>Some spec 1</para></spec>
<spec><para>Some spec 2</para></spec>

<spec><para>Some spec 1</para></spec>
<spec><para>Some spec 2</para></spec>



So instead of <spec> repeating only under the second <item>, it
repeats under both. How do I make <spec> go under only the second

I have tried <xsl:for-each-group> but with no success. So maybe there
is something that I am not understanding in this grouping technique.

Can the experts please help me on this?

Thanks in advance for all your help.

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