Re: [xsl] XSL transformation of instances in an OWL ontology to HTML

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSL transformation of instances in an OWL ontology to HTML
From: Emmanouil Batsis <Emmanouil.Batsis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 18:35:36 +0300
Fredrik wrote:

Hey, I'm developing a very simple ontology in Protigi 3.0. Just to give a brief introduction to the case: the three main classes are Course, University and ProgrammeAI. There are properties/relations between the classes, for example "Programme (hasCourse) Course" , "Course (isCourseOf) Programme" and "ProgrammeAI (isProgrammeOf) University". I want to use XSLT to be able to retrieve and show, in HTML, different views of this data, for instance "which Courses are part of which ProgrammeAI" or "which Courses can be found at which Universities".

The main problem about RDF processing with XSLT is that the latter (due to it's use of XPath) is too dependent on structure, while RDF is a model that can be expressed in more than once structures. For example,

<a1:Human rdf:about=""; a1:name="Manos" a1:surname="Batsis" />

is the same as

<a1:Human rdf:about=""; a1:name="Manos">

or it could even be the same as

<rdf:Description rdf:about="";>
   <rdfs:instanceOf rdf:resource="&a1;Human"/>

etc. So it becomes very difficult to process a model with a structure based tool like XPath/XSLT.


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