[xsl] Adding a node in sequence

Subject: [xsl] Adding a node in sequence
From: "John Reid" <John.Reid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 14:35:27 +1000
I had a small struggle with this. Help

Using xsl:copy I want to insert a date node in a date sequence. How
would u insert the node

			<yes ID="20030526">
In the below sequence. Should I rely on the order in which the nodes are
laid down to remain the order in which they are retreived?

			<yes ID="20030524" WE="Y">
			<yes ID="20030525" WE="Y">
			<yes ID="20030527">
			<yes ID="20030531" WE="Y">
This will add the node to the end but does not put it in date sequence?
<xsl:template match="yes">
	<xsl:if test="position() =last()">
      	      <xsl:element name="yes">
           	      <xsl:attribute name="ID"/>
          	      <xsl:attribute name="WE"/>
      <xsl:apply-templates select="node()"/>


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