RE: xlxp-dev: XSL and editing tools

Subject: RE: xlxp-dev: XSL and editing tools
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:32:13 +0100
> Paul Prescod had an excellent suggestion (forwarded below) on 
> xlxp-dev, the
> XLink/XPointer list, regarding XSL, CSS, and editing documents.  The
> discussion began with the issue of keeping track of links when your
> document is being transformed, but it quickly became clear that links
> aren't the only thing that's difficult to track.

I think the real problem is that XLink as currently conceived has a lot of
presentation semantics. In XML I usually represent relationships using
database-style foreign keys rather than XLink-style URLs, and I regard it as
a function of the rendering process to translate these foreign keys into
navigable hyperlinks where appropriate.

Mike Kay

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